- HiNT d.o.o operational model is Business to Business. Therefore, all orders and payments will be accepted from other registered legal entities, exclusively. No order or payments from individuals will be accepted.
- By accepting these Terms & Conditions you confirm that you have needed authorization to make and order/purchase our products and services on behalf of your company and that you will serve as contact person for order and payment processing.
- By accepting these Terms & Conditions you confirm that you understand and agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
- By accepting these Terms & Conditions you confirm that all company data you have provided (Company name, Billing Address, VAT No, Email address, etc.) are true and correct.
- Upon order confirmation, you will receive (Pro-Forma) Invoice for ordered products and services, with valid payment instructions via system for electronic invoicing (SEF) and email you have provided.
- All ordered, non-paid products and services can be canceled at any time with no specific reasons.
- All ordered and paid products and services canceled at least 7 business days prior to delivery, are fully refundable.
- All ordered and paid products and services canceled in the period shorter than 7 business days prior to the delivery are non-refundable and new date for service delivery will be agreed between HiNT d.o.o and client’s organization.
- Products and services that have been ordered and consumed are not refundable.