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Sales & Negotiations Skills for Recruiters©

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Program Description

During our workshop, we will master the following sales skills that will greatly improve your process of selection and recruitment. You will learn to:

  • Manage pipeline of candidates in a way that ensures a healthy flow of candidates with the required competencies.
  • Lead the dialogue with customers (internal / external) in a language that provides mutual understanding. Speak both, language of business and language of HR!
  • Understand the decision-making process (clients and candidates)
  • Plan interviews with candidates in a structured way and with clear objectives and strategy
  • Guide the dialogue with the candidates in a way that strengthens the relationship, reinforces positive perceptions, and improve the process.
  • Use a consultative approach that provides you with an insight into the real candidates needs/drivers for employment or change of job.
  • Apply effective techniques for minimizing and/or excluding misperceptions, skepticism or concerns about the candidate.
  • End each interview with a clear plan of action that involves the client / candidate.
  • Develop and negotiate a solution that satisfies the organizational needs of clients, as well as the expectations of candidates.

Before the Course: All confirmed participants will receive an access to an online questionnaire whose aim is to provide insight into the current skills set and set expectations from the course.

Day 1

  • Recruitment pipeline.
  • Clients’/hiring managers decision making process.
  • Candidates’ decision-making process.
  • Influencing skills.
  • Preparation and Interview opening.
  • Approaches for clients’/hiring managers need identification.
  • Approaches for candidates’ needs identification.

Day 2

  • Qualify your client/hiring manager. 
  • Qualify your candidate.
  • Manage candidate’s acceptance.
  • Close the interview.
  • Manage candidate s resistance.
  • Negotiations in Recruitment.


Dragan Vukosavljevic

HiNT - Training & Coaching

In professional training and coaching for last 19 years, Dragan contributed to several international projects focused on Leadership development, Competency modeling and performance management.