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Free Training for Future Recruiters - 2020!

Sell & Win

For the third year in a row, we are supporting young people, encouraging them, and helping boost their career from the very beginning.

This year, due to pandemic and following recommendations for physical distancing, only the timing and the setup are different. We are going ONLINE in July!

In our next session of the training "Sales and Negotiation Skills for Recruiters©"(click for course content and timing) five places are reserved for five selected graduate students of psychology or related studies, who can receive this training as a GIFT!


  • You are a graduate student or on the final year of studies, or postgraduate student of HR related studies

  • Currently unemployed or exercising internship 

What do we expect from you?

We expect you to SELL us an idea that you are the one who should receive this course filling this survey until June 30th.

Free Training for Future Recruiters - 2020!
HiNT d.o.o, Dragan Vukosavljević June 14, 2020
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