Take advantage of working from home and develop VUCA competencies!
The world is experiencing demographic, environmental, social, economic and technological structural changes inherent to the VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity) environment, which pushes us out of our comfort zone, forces us to pause and, in this case, stay home. It is a good time to get to know ourselves.
This #stayhome and #workingfromome context invites us to:

Understand that our actions immediately affect others.

Learn new skills that help us to actively respond to the needs of the moment.

Detach ourselves from old habits and methods no longer sustainable in VUCA environments.
Therefore, PDA International invites you to get to know and develop Competencies for Positive Change Management in VUCA Times, which will help you to effectively and successfully respond to these circumstances.
Competencies for Positive Change Management in VUCA times!